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Becoming the most tolerant city in 2023, the city of Singkawang is able to show an attitude that contains a narrative full of religious tolerance, especially regarding relations between places of worship. This research was conducted using Kuckhohn's theoretical approach to dissect the relationships between administrators of places of worship in the city of Singkawang. Researchers in this study used data through observations at places of worship and conducting interviews with administrators of places of worship from each religion. The results of the research were that there were good relations between administrators of places of worship. This can be seen from some of the habits and attitudes they show towards each other. Based on Kluckhohn's theoretical framework, good relations between administrators of places of worship in the city of Singkawang occur due to their similar orientation and reactions in viewing three basic problems in human life, namely the nature of life, the nature of time, and the nature of human relationships with others. They say the essence of life is good, so it needs to be maintained for now and the future. Because after all, humans will always depend on other humans to maintain the benefits of fellow humans as social creatures.
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Amalia Yunia Rahmawati (2020) ‘Toleransi dan Kerukunan Hidup Beragama Antar Umat Beragama di Kampung Toleransi’Jurnal Sintax Media, 1(July), pp. 1–23.
Nawwaf, M. F. (2023) ‘Toleransi Beragama Di Perguruan Tinggi’, Toleransi:Media Komunikasi Umat Beragama, 15(1), pp. 29–38.
Novianty (2017) ‘Interaksi Sosial Etnis Tionghoa Dan Melayu Dalam Mengelola Proses Harmonisasi Di Kota Singkawang’, SOCIOLOGIQUE-Jurnal Sosiologi, 5, pp. 1–20.
Nugroho, N. and Firdaus, A. (2019) ‘Islam dan HAM Dalam Bingkai Toleransi Beragama dan Berbangsa’, Jurnal Ilmu Agama: Mengkaji Doktrin, Pemikiran, dan Fenomena Agama, 20(2), pp. 177–191.
Nuryadi, M. H. and Widiatmaka, P. (2022) ‘Harmonisasi Antar Etnis dan Implikasinya terhadap Ketahanan Wilayah di Kalimantan Barat Pada Era Society 5.0’, Jurnal Ketahanan Nasional, 28(1), p. 101.
Koentjaraningrat. 2009. Pengantar Ilmu Antropologi. Jakarta: PT Rineka Cipta.
Rachmawati, D. E. et al. (2022) ‘POLA TRANSMISI NILAI TOLERANSI: PendekatanEkologi Perkembangan Manusia pada Masyaraat Kota Singkawang’, Toleransi: Media Ilmiah Komunikasi Umat Beragama, 14(1), pp. 43–57.
Saliro, S. S. S. (2019) ‘Perspektif Sosiologis Terhadap Toleransi Antar Umat Beragama Di Kota Singkawang’, Khazanah: Jurnal Studi Islam dan Humaniora, 17(2), p. 283.
Oxtora, Rendra, 2023. Singkawang Kembali Raih Predikat Kota Tertoleran Se-Indonesia. Dari Diunduh 1 November 2023.
Rahyuni, Finta, 2023. Viral Warga Bubarkan Ibadah Jemaat Gereja Dalam Ruko di Deli Serdang. Dari Diunduh 1 November 2023.
Utomo, Priyatno Ardi, 2023. Tiga Kali Rumah Ibadah Kerpatan Gereja Protestan Minahasa di Sigi dibakar OTK, Polisi Diminta Serius. Dari Diunduh 1 November 2023.
Redaksi, 2023. Ketua RT Jadi Tersangka Karena Bubarkan Ibadah Gereja Lampung: Berharap Kelompok Intoleran Jera. Dari Diunduh. 1 November 2023 Penyebaran Pemeluk Agama di Kota Singkawang. Dari Diunduh. 1 November 2023.
Djie, D. B. 2023. Wawancara Pribadi. 20 Agustus.
Jamharis. 2023. Wawancara Pribadi. 20 Agustus.
Rokita. 2023. Wawancara Pribadi. 20 Agustus.
Yong, K. K. 2023. Wawancara Pribadi. 20 Agustus.